Getting to know Lera Technologies

We are a leading provider of cutting-edge products and services to transform the way you go digital. At Lera, our mission is value creation by systematically re-envisioning opportunities using a collaborative approach. We deliver outcome-based solutions that are smarter, efficient and personalised. We specialize in 8 next-generation digital services including IoT, mobile, social, analytics, cloud, cyber security and over 20 products that provide a broad range of enhanced capabilities. With a presence in 5 continents, we are trusted by global companies across industries.

Not your typical “polished pebble” partner

At Lera we understand that you are looking for a partner who can be beyond a “polished pebble”; who can be nimble, agile, flexible and a problem-solver. The robust systems that we have in place give us the ability to handle the spiked rocks and rugged boulders that you often face in your journey to digital transformation. We are your digital enablers, with a single-minded focus towards data monetization. We achieve this using our pioneering Digital Next strategy.

The Lera Way

At Lera, we don’t wait for the technology of the future. We build it. For us, ideating the impossible and bringing it to life is an everyday exercise. We call this Digital Next.

This impact-oriented approach to digital transformation empowers us to develop solutions and build capabilities for the workforce of the future. With safety, privacy and experience design as our core focus, we analyze how trends will affect businesses and devise strategies that generate maximum value.

Our Leadership
Our Leadership
The Lera Journey
Geography Footprint